Sorta kinda makes you wonder what's going on in the Mitch McConnell/Elaine Chao residence. Elaine, or "CoCo" as some of her admirers call her, was Chinese last we know. Which makes her a different race from her hubby Mitch. Yet...
Donald Trump, Jr. must be jealous of Volodymyr Zelensky because he wouldn't surrender to Putin like Daddy did. Or, maybe he's jealous because Zelensky has some actual performing talent, and if you put all the Trumps together, between them...
Excuses and rationalizations after a party loses a campaign are endemic to politics, like the ivy on the walls of academia. That said, the *thought processes* coming from the evangelical wingnut faction of the Republican party are something else...
I guess the equivalent of anti-woke is stone cold out of it, or at least that's the only thing you can conclude when you see this beyond parody post of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. On the drawing board it was...
There are times when sheer rage becomes comedic and this is one of them. This writer for the Christian Post is apoplectic over Fox News' hiring of Caitlyn Jenner. He is beyond consolation and unless I miss my guess Fox...
Ron Calzone is an activist in Missouri. He spoke recently at a Missouri House Committee on General Law, which was hearing testimony on bills addressing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. He not only thinks discriminating is...
This is what happens when a major political party in the United States devolves into demagoguery and sloganism geared for their ever shrinking base. They start risking a major election in which they should win on a series of...
Even though Clarence Thomas has threatened to “revisit” Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark SCOTUS ruling which legalized same-sex marriage, even though Thomas has at least four conservative Christian partners on the court chomping at the bit to reverse every...
You all know that one of my favorite phrases is I love it when a plan comes together. But on days like today, especially when it involves the GOP, I have another one, I love it when a plan goes to shit! Yesterday...
As well you know, Trump's evangelical cult members are the strongest supporters in his base. They're the ones he was referring to when he said he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and get away with it. The reason...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead