Another classic from Meidas Touch. These are the vulnerable senators. If these people go, it's going to be a much more accountable senate, no question.
Trump's Fox News fiasco has set the internet ablaze with giggles. The particular portion which has led to derision is his insistence on how "hard" a cognitive test is. Trump said to Chris Wallace, "Yes, the first few questions...
Oh, poor Lindsey Graham! Oh, noes! He's being out fundraised in South Carolina -- he says by people who "hate my guts." Can you conceive of such a thing? I mean, it's not like he's a major liar or...
Once upon a time there was a little senator and his name was Lindsey Graham. He loved to be around men more powerful than himself. He felt it increased his relevance. He longed to be more important than he...
You know, if I had to guess, I'd say that well over half of America doesn't really like their job. But whatever the reason that they hate their job, they're stuck with it. The uncertainty of finding a new...
I haven't had a case of the political warm and fuzzies like this since I can't even remember when. watching that camera pan around the arena, almost completely empty balconies exposed, made my heart sing. All night long, all I...
This video has gotten over one million views. Harvey Hafta thinks Donald Trump has a big mouth. He served in the Pacific during WWII. That means he's in his 90's. He says he is, "5'6" and I weigh 135...
When Mick Mulvaney was shipped off to Ireland to be special envoy, after he got canned as Trump's chief of staff, I made the remark, "There are plenty of dumb micks in Ireland. They don't need the one named...
It's a fascinating pattern that the only people who complain about voter fraud are people who are committing it themselves, i.e. Trumpites. Lin Wood is now under investigation by the State of Georgia to determine whether Wood voted illegally...
I don't mind using that phrase A canary in the coal mine, because it's clean, simple, and accurate. The meaning is obvious, a largely unexpected event that could portend greater danger ahead. And it isn't just pundits who use the...