Another one, two punch day, this time in the life of Joseph Flynn, brother to Michael Flynn. Joseph was speaking recently at a tightly packed, maskless venue on the evils of the coronavirus hoax, when he was diagnosed with...
You know, we all pretty much get the same news. And when I say we, I'm referring to people like you and I, not Trumptards. We get it from CNN, or MSNBC, or our local network at dinner time...
A picture is worth a thousand words and this short, one and a half minute video is priceless. If we are going to put anything in a time capsule, so future generations can grasp in an instant what life...
Mike Pence was as exciting as a plate of saltines and mayonnaise at Wednesday night's vice presidential debate, but he did have a touch of color -- pink eye. And guess what? That is frequently a symptom of coronavirus...
Full Disclosure. Unlike most of my stuff, this is not an inherently political article. If you're tuning in looking for a cavalcade of political sarcasm, check back withy me tomorrow, I'll be back to my usual cynical self. But...
From the day that Trump clanked his fat ass down that schlock gilt escalator in Trump Tower to announce his campaign for President in front of a paid crowd, truth and reality were officially under assault. And they remain...
I'm free! I'm free! And I'm waiting, for you, to follow me!  The Who  Tommy
Hey America! To borrow a phrase from the Cheeto Prophet, Are you sick of winning yet? We set another new record today, and this one...
Yesterday, in an article, I posited the opinion that if the Biden administration wanted to exude confidence, the easiest way to do it was with simple, easy impossible to refute proof. And after an entire year of horrific numbers,...
Now I'm not cheap, but I can be had  Michael Douglas  Romancing the Stone
I don't know why this disappointed me so much. After all, it's not like I'm new to the planet. Some of you have commented in the...
If they held a contest for "most adamant anti-vaxxer in government" Ron DeSantis would win it hands down. He let beaches in Florida remain open in 2020 when Donald Trump was sashaying about saying, "It will disappear. One day,...