Brilliant and Devastating: Lincoln Project’s Legal Response

    LP Legal Response

    This is one of those rare occasions when a letter is a work of art. Attorney Matt Sanderson set a new high bar for brilliantly-composed and utterly devastating letters when he penned a 3-page legal response to Rudy Giuliani on behalf of his client, the Lincoln Project.

    This legal action was taken by the Project after Giuliani lied and defamed his way through an interview he gave on Steve Bannon’s podcast.

    The legal response to Giuliani’s accusations began with a faint nod to past respectability:

    You were once a respected and respectable figure.

    then observed how every step into his descent into disreputability had been exposed to public view.

    From there an annotated record of incompetence, misrepresentation, crassness, disinformation, crudity, perfidy and idiocy filled paragraph after paragraph from the first to the last page; all-in-all the chronicle of a downfall complete and irredeemable.

    This is a legal response you’ll enjoy reading.

    Legal response page 1 Legal response page 2 Legal response page 3

    Twitter’s reaction to Sanderson’s legal response fell loosely into three groups: those commenting on Giuliani and/or the Lincoln Project, and those who praised the letter itself.

    And this final pair of tweets finishes off with another celebrated legal letter from 1971.

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    1. Shortly after Rudy made those claims, Rick Wilson tweeted out a video of four stalking African Painted Dogs, captioned “The Lincoln Project lawyers rn”. It was brilliant.

      • I can’t see him apologising and I don’t think the guys at Lincoln Project do either. They’re looking forward to suing him! Dominion will be suing too. We might get quite a few entertaining trials this year.

    2. I have been a liberal Democrat all my life. I was always a never TRUMPER too. SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THE LINCOLN PROJECT I have been thrilled with the intelligence, competence, and honesty of all The Lincoln Project members. Most of whom no longer call themselves Republicans!
      This letter to Guiliani is thorough, well written, and something to be very proud of. I believe in everything they stand for and support EVERYTHING the project has done to help President Biden win.
      I look forward to the hour-long programming twice a week and the great guests that also share their expertise. I enjoy all the ads placed all over the country too. So, thank you so much for the work you are doing. It is the only thing that helps me along during the insanity that continues because of Qanon and most of the Republicans in office now.

    3. And to think this Rudy was appearing as an agent/mouthpiece of former, ‘president”, Trump … who, in his own words, directed the mob to march down the street and do exactly what Rudolf said was required … adding, “He would be with them”, but returned to the television screens in the White House to watch the bedlam in full color and blood …

      Letting Trump off the hook, by vapid Republicans in the Senate, is a sad commentary on the respect Republicans provide to our flag, our Capitol, and Democracy itself … the repeated flying to Mar-o-golf by an older white republican — WTF

      The shit show continues in spite of the horrendous harm to our country, the Lincoln Project, has and is exposing the core of rotting pig crap the Republicans have become …

      • The Lincoln Project have done and continue to do a great job! I’m sure they want to sue Giuliani – just think how much more damage they can do to the republicans with several millions in compensation!

    4. What a great letter! Now, we have the truth of Rudy Giuliani. I would love to see a series of these for the 147 Republican traitors in the Senate and the House.


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